Discover The Unstoppable You
We all have immense potential in us that we never explore because we waste our energies comparing ourselves to the other people and external standards. It takes one to first do the self work, know oneself, the priorities, things which matter to us, before we know others, whether in personal or professional space.
Let's start with a journey where you discover yourself to be able to function at your highest potential to be truly unstoppable,
"The Unstoppables Discovery with Hurratul" is a program that makes you open up to yourself, by being honest with yourself, moving forward in life with what truly matters to you vs. what others expect of you or what you are doing for getting the external approvals.
Book your session here
Do you feel stuck with having things stopped? It is not a bad idea to take support and discuss so that you can discover while you go through the process of solving for the challenges. Whether it is personal or professional, I would love to help you. Let us talk and figure out and discover what solutions can we bring to get you going and become truly unstoppable.
Hurratul started her entrepreneurial journey at the age of 23 with her first venture in fashion e-commerce space, second venture in Women Community Space with 25,000+ members across 5 countries, 170+ events with 7000+ women members participating, collaborating with new ventures being created and ideas exchanged, a community that brought many interest groups on one platform. Hurratul also founded Casa Rozen, an e-commerce platform that celebrates handcrafted jewellery designed and created intricately by local artisans of India.
Hurratul is a 3 x founder, passionate about building interest based communities and strongly believes in the power of collaboration for bringing new possibilities to existence. She has built ventures in e-commerce and community space and is committed to levelling the playing field for women in entrepreneurship space. With her ventures Chics Connect ( EWON ) and Casa Rozen she enabled many women entrepreneurs to connect collaborate and create, empowering them to bring their ideas to life.
In her words...
Women do not need empowerment, they are already empowered, they are the ones who bring a new life to existence. What we really need is, change in our society of how we define and limit different roles, specific to genders and how we can rather focus on bringing together the best of the two genders at the workplace to make this world a better place. Why does it have to be about competition, we can also work with collaborative efforts. When things operate from a place of collaboration and not competition, there is a place for everyone and growth is exponential in such an environment where there is focus on bringing better solutions to the problems than competing with others for the limited gains.
Also, I firmly believe that in the work place women should be provided with a flexible schedule, especially for mothers to newborns who are multi-tasking, up until the child moves to an age where he/she can achieve some independence, a mother has a significant role to play and often many women drop off from the work places because they do not have a flexible co-operative work environment.
Change begins with us, what we need is to ask for it ! It begins with us, you and me and so we should not hesitate to voice out for what we believe in.